
Lady Boss Andreina Romero, a Venezuelan chemical engineer that works in the oil industry, is a wine consultant and now started her own company

Andreina is a person with whom I could sit for a coffee and a few glasses of wine for hours and I would not get bored. She is a complex person who can walk you through a conversation in an ocean of topics: from oil and gas, to various types of wines, from charity to …

Lady Boss Andreina Romero, a Venezuelan chemical engineer that works in the oil industry, is a wine consultant and now started her own company Read More »

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Ian Malin and the confessions of a successful man

I first talked to Ian some years ago, while we were negotiating a deal. We never met face-to-face but I really appreciated that as serious and very good at his job that he was, he was laidback and working towards an outcome that was win-win. Ian is one of those people in the industry that …

Ian Malin and the confessions of a successful man Read More »

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Learning how to love sport with Medical Doctor Codruța Cioponea

Please tell us a few words about yourself and your professional history (and more). As a child, I was passionate about sports and exercise. I started jogging in the 4th grade more out of need than pleasure because I was a fat little girl. I became more and more passionate about movement, its beneficial effects …

Learning how to love sport with Medical Doctor Codruța Cioponea Read More »

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The architect and writer Gabriela Stanciu Păsărin answers our questions

Years ago I met a complete woman: Gabriela Stanciu Păsărin. Architect, mother, girlfriend, friend, woman. Yes, woman in the true sense of the word. Beautiful, attractive, strong. She had a certain je ne sais quoi. She had that nonconformism rarely encountered in the period from 1975 to 1980, especially in the fairer sex. If you …

The architect and writer Gabriela Stanciu Păsărin answers our questions Read More »

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Adrian Ghilă, a story about a successful business and a beautiful life

I wrote to businessman Adrian Ghilă on Instagram. I had heard of him from Haihuin2. In a few days he answered me, very polite, very humble. I was very surprised to receive an answer from the Romanian billionaire living in Los Angeles. We decided to talk on a Wednesday morning. The conversation was easy, it …

Adrian Ghilă, a story about a successful business and a beautiful life Read More »

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Who is the Romanian who lives in Will Smith’s house in California and who wants to invest in good business ideas in Romania? How do you build success by leaving Drumul Taberei (southwest Bucharest) and crossing the Atlantic in search of a dream? (in Romanian) Adrian Ghilă is one of the successful Romanians you want to hear about. He made his fortune in Romania but decided that he could accomplish more and moved to America. There he showed what his true value was. Neighboring many Hollywood stars, Adrian and his family live in Will Smith’s former home. With an enviable lifestyle, …

Who is the Romanian who lives in Will Smith’s house in California and who wants to invest in good business ideas in Romania? How do you build success by leaving Drumul Taberei (southwest Bucharest) and crossing the Atlantic in search of a dream? (in Romanian) Read More »

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Helen de Larrinaga, a lawyer specialized in aviation, socializes after work in the streets of Paris.

Interview with a Parisian Lawyer

Helen has that Parisian style that we all want; she wears minimum make up and she is gorgeous. She is a very good friend and a very good lawyer. She hates gossip and we love to laugh together. We meet pretty often in different locations as we usually go to the same aviation events.

Helen is a successful woman. Being a partner at 32 is a very big achievement and she is always sets a good example.

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