In December, people are better, more willing to help those around them. Maybe more relaxed. Maybe less selfish.
I read many comments that we should not donate only in December, that there are other months of the year, that people have needs all the time and not just one month.
I believe that everyone donates when and how they can. Some of us time, some of us money, some products. I am grateful for every good deed at any time of the year.
So I chose to write here about a charity project very close to my soul, it is “ROTARY that REHABILITATES”.
Since 2016 (the year of the birth of our Rotary Colonne d’Ercole club), the whole team has dedicated its time and energy to various projects organized to support the Nemo Sud Center (NeuroMuscular Omnicentre).
The Nemo Sud Center is the only center in southern Italy where patients with neuromuscular diseases can come for treatment. It is exclusively for children born with these health problems.
What this center also offers are psychological and psychotherapeutic treatments for both the little ones and their parents. The applied treatments are specialized and respond to the needs of those affected by all neuromuscular diseases such as muscular dystrophies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or muscular atrophies.
This center is a unique model of health, it takes care of the patient from all points of view, all his needs.
Basically, the treatment scheme has as subject the patient and his family, being personalized from child to child.
The main goal of the Nemo Sud Club is to improve the quality of life of those treated in the hospital, successfully managing to provide both children and relatives with medical and psychotherapeutic support so that the response to treatment is as effective as possible.
The children treated in the center (and their families) learn to use certain muscles that they did not know they had. So in addition to medical treatment, physiotherapy, physical therapy, a psychological approach is needed to explain what was in the past and what is to come, how their lives will change (for the better) and how to react to the new present.
For four years in a row, the Rotary Club Colonne d’Ercole organized a play in December, selling tickets for eminently charitable purposes.
So far we have raised between 8,000 and 14,000 euros per year with the help of this project. The beginning was more difficult but slowly, slowly the world became interested in the project.
In addition, the funds raised have been (and will be) doubled by the Mediolanum Onlus Foundation.
Unfortunately, in 2020 we had to adapt to the new reality and the theater play offered by the club, which has become a tradition, could not take place. But we didn’t give up and we adapted. So we found partners to help us and we received donations for which we thank by sending the donor cookies specific to Southern Italy, packed in metal boxes decorated with Sicilian motifs.
This year the funds will be dedicated to the payment of the salary for one year of a pediatric psychotherapist who will help the children to learn how to use their body to walk, to move, to grab objects and so on.
The psychologist will help them increase their confidence in a successful treatment. They will become aware of the disease and will make them stronger in the fight against it.
Although our project must be completed in December of each year, if you want to help us, we already receive donations for next year (for which we thank you by sending you the beautiful boxes of sweets). We are constantly preparing to help children.
For details you can write to me or you can access